25 Following

Greg Gordon

Greg Gordon is the founder of SermonIndex.net, which was established in 2002. Millions of audio sermons have been distributed through this world-wide ministry. He is also the author of "The Following of Christ" and other books. Greg has traveled to many countries and across North America to thousands of churches and ministries bringing a message of radical Christian discipleship. He has also been involved in organizing over 12 international historic revival conference events where thousands of lives were impacted.

The Following of Christ by Greg Gordon (kindle eBook)

“Enter in by the narrow gate...” 

Verses like this one can be confusing to the modern Christian mind. How does this apply to my daily experience? The answer to this question and others lies in a secret truth that the early believers closely guarded. It was the secret of Martyrdom.

In The Following of Christ, Greg Gordon gives us a glimpse of what following the Lord truly meant to the Early Church. Join hands with your nail-pierced Lord’s hand and learn of that great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) who have gone before us, some giving their very lives.

"This little book helps us to not only admire the ancient Christian martyrs, but to examine our lives and prepare for own martyrdom should God will it. As Greg reminds us, God grants special grace to those whom He calls to suffer by the sacrifice of their lives, enabling them to be fearless and even triumphant." - David Servant, Founder of Heavens Family